Sunday 26 October 2014

Now Reading - Americanah

I'm chasing you

      I had totally forgotten how good it feels to read a book that has nothing to do with school. Though I don't have the physical book, I've the downloaded e-book version of it and now reading it through Epub Reader. I don't even know how many pages make up the book, the Epub app doesn't sum it up. Maybe if i knew the  total  number of pages wouldn't have started the book. I only know the number of chapters. I'm almost half way through, *i guess* judging by the chapters but i have got to say that it is indeed a good read.
     Simple diction with regular everyday words that any one can read and understand without getting confused. It has interesting characters that i enjoy meeting *I hope I don't start disliking them along the line*. The story-line is a strong one. Its interesting how the author spans three continents and takes us to the past happenings decades ago and back to present day using flashbacks -smooth transitons. The author is know for her boldness in  addressing touchy issues. In Half of a Yellow Sun it was the Biafran Revolution and in Americanah racism is a focal point. 
Overall, so far so good, gotta to get back to the book.

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