Tuesday 8 January 2013


 "Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich." - Daffy Duck

Do you ever wonder how much different life would be if consequences were more immediate?
Too much meat for dinner? Immediate heart-attack.
Not enough calcium? Turn into a boneless bag of flesh.
How much easier would it make parenting at times?
“Eat your vegetables, or your teeth will fall out before you have a chance to brush them!”
Woot! Instant fear-obedience.

Satan led Ananias and Sapphira "to lie to the Holy Ghost". This means they lied to God. Ananias and Sapphira were singing "I Surrender All," but they were lying. They wanted others to think they were very spiritual but they were just pretending, so God killed them. Can you imagine if God was to strike dead all the religious deceivers in our churches today? It was a shocking experience, but look at the good that followed – "great fear came on all them that heard these things". This fear of God is sadly missing today

Every now and then I will hear some one say they like the God of the New Testament but they do not like the God of the Old Testament. How foolish! The God of the OT is the same God of the NT. "For I am the LORD, I change not". You may be thinking, "How could God kill two Christians?" Just as easily as He can kill two non-Christians! This is God’s universe. God created us. God can do whatever He pleases. We are breathing His air, eating His food, and living on His planet.

If the Spirit of God were working in that way today, what a lot of work there would be for the undertakers! There would not be enough of them in any of our cities to bury those who dropped dead!" So many come up to the altar on Sunday morning but by Sunday afternoon it’s back to their worldly ways.We need to be honest with God, if we haven’t been genuine, we need to get that right today.


nedu said...

Its the grace of God that abounds,so people take it for granted (I inclusive),I don't think it existed in the old testament

Chiuty said...

In the Old Testement judgement was served almost immediately after they had trespassed or deviated from the laws of the God. If th situation presently were as the days of Old people will worship God in fear and trembling rather than depending constantly on grace.

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